The Device Provisioning Service (DPS) is a helper service that enables zero-touch, just-in-time provisioning to the right data hub without requiring human intervention.
In this setup the registration token should be the Balena Id of the CoFyBox
"registrationToken": {{registrationToken}},
"properties": {
"displayName": "fried-time"
registrationToken - string (required): The token used to identify the device and validate its enrollment.
"serviceBus": {
"assignedQueue": {{serviceBusUrl}},
"authorizationHeaderValue": "SharedAccessSignature {{signature}}"
"api": {
"baseUrl": {{baseUrl}},
"authorizationHeaderValue": "apikey {{key}}"
"createdDateTimeUtc": "2020-10-30T12:44:25.0333224Z",
"cloudSpaceUrl": {{cloudSpaceUrl}}
serviceBus.assignedQueue: The url to which the device can send its data. Read the hub listener docs for more information on sending data.
serviceBus.authorizationHeaderValue: The signature is valid for 16 days. To renew the signature the device needs to call the DPS-registration endpoint again.
api.baseUrl: The base address for the digital-twin api
cloudSpaceUrl: The url that refers to the online dashboard of the device.